A Kiss of Summer

1.  Eric Brand - Specialty Finish - SP-05 Dragon Red on Faux Shagreen

2. DAC - Lisa Kairos, Bay Study-East Palo Alto - Ink and Acrylic on Watercolor Paper

3. Corbett Lighting - Calligraphy Pendant, 216-44 Gold Leaf W Polished Stainless

4. MYC - Vinyl, Savvane Orange

5. Eric Brand - Wood Finish - WE-10 Brown Macassar Ebony on Macassar Ebony

6. Eric Brand -  LS-44 Whole Note Lounge Chair

7. MYC - Vinyl, Lina Multi-Color

8. DAC- Tom Abbis Smith, Forebode, Collage Mixed Media

9. Baker - Helmut Side Table, Laura Kirar, No.9164